More Time. More Efficiency. More Freedom

The online community and training platform built for business owners.


Sound familiar?

  • Stuck: Daily tasks prevent planning, new ideas and the future of the business takes a back seat.
  • No Personal Time: Business demands cutting into the precious moments that could be spent enjoying your life.
  • Endless Talent Search: Finding reliable employees is a constant battle, and managing them is even harder.
  • Lost Profit: Revenue is coming in, but you're unclear where it’s going and why there's less in your wallet.
  • Low Cash Flow: Barely making payroll can't afford to advertise or pay yourself.
  • Can't Sustain Profit: It feels like no matter how hard you work, true progress seems elusive.
  • Can't Focus: Being pulled all directions at once, clients calling off-hours, you have 100 new ideas, but no time.



Your guide to clarity and profitability

This comprehensive online platform and community helps you implement the Profit First system. Gain financial clarity and organize your vision with ease.

It's time to finally take control of your business destiny.

Connect with our expert mentors and a community of peers who understand your struggles.



Over 45 video trainings, with more added every month. This is exclusive content covering sales, marketing, hiring, employee management, and of course, Profit First.


A full module dedicated to Profit First with all of the tools you need for smooth implementation. Plus access to our mentors for any additional help you need.


Customizable spreadsheets and templates to help make implementation FAST and EASY


Connect with other business owners and get questions answered in our private, members-only group. Unlike Facebook groups filled with solicitations, this group is exclusively by owners, for owners.


"My wife and I had been managing every aspect of our family owned Engineering company for about 2 years, when we met with Matterhorn. We immediately realized that their services were exactly what we needed, to move to the next level and accomplish many goals that we just weren't sure how to execute.

"Every month we look forward to accomplishing the goals they set for us. Greg and Abby have offered us tools that helped us get better organized, they make sure we are charging appropriate fees for the services we offer, and have been a sounding board when we are at a standstill with decision making. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with them and look forward to a lasting business relationship."

Chris Mills - Civil Engineer

"Before working with Matterhorn, I faced significant challenges in organizing my finances and managing my personal schedule. I often found myself overwhelmed with financial management tasks and struggled to maintain a balance between my professional responsibilities and personal life.

"The most helpful aspects of working with Matterhorn were their expertise in financing and their guidance on understanding how the business should operate efficiently. They provided clear financial strategies and operational insights that transformed the way I managed my business. Learning to delegate tasks effectively and adopting better financial practices made the biggest change for me.

"These changes have significantly improved my life outside of business. I now have more personal time and peace of mind, knowing that my business finances are well-organized and that I will get paid without jeopardizing my business. Learning to delegate has not only enhanced my work-life balance but also boosted my overall well-being."

Viktor Hnativ - Easy Way Install

"I always dreamt of doing more and having more but figured where I was at was as good as it was going to get? I was passionate about barbering but grinding away in an ‘OK’ hourly gig, working for someone else, with dwindling opportunity for professional development…

"....Through this mentoring I was shown that hard work and planning is absolute for success and if you’re willing to put in the work and develop your mindset you can achieve anything.

"Exhibit A:
• I’ve gone from getting paid hourly.
• To working for myself.
• To becoming a profitable business owner. All in 6 months.

"I was coached to understand the key business pillars, to hone in on each one, create an action plan and then EXECUTE. Throughout this coaching I was able to gain feedback on my plans and results each week from seasoned business minds. I feel so privileged to have been able to find like minded people that were willing to give me genuine feedback and I felt like I could ask any question without being judged.

"This testimony might sound like something off late night shopping TV, all the glory but none of the guts, but this my legit 6-month journey. Don’t believe me, you can check out the progress for yourself over on my Instagram @blackflagbarbering. "

Bart Butcher - Barber & Shop Owner

Freedom Now

A Legacy For the Future

Just some of the topics covered....


We’re going back to basics and addressing the very foundation of your business. We will help you nail down your business's purpose and create Strategic and Action Plans for each of the four pillars of business: Marketing, Sales, Delivery and Management.

Using our provided templates, you can create an ever evolving and focused plan for your business.


We address all things pricing and cash flow using the Profit First cash flow system. We have easy-to-use, customizable spreadsheets to make implementing Profit First simple and fast. Our pricing spreadsheets will clearly show you where your prices should be and not where anyone else thinks they should be.

Even if you feel good about your pricing and cash flow now, many of our clients see huge leaps in their profitability by applying what we teach in this section.


Now is the time to really step into your role as the CEO. Learn ho create training manuals and pay structures while working out the roles needed for your business. And for those in our Trail Blazer package, we’ll help you through the tough decisions that are inevitably ahead with our weekly coaching calls.

Whether you have multiple employees, or have never hired before, this section is going to streamline your hiring and training so that your business is no longer dependent on you.

No Owner Left Behind

Our company motto is

"If you know us, you win"

And our policy is "no owner left behind"

This means that no matter what level you sign up for, we want to see you winning in your business... and we'll make sure it happens.

No Owner Left Behind

Real People. Real Results.

"Before working with Matterhorn, my biggest challenge was allocating money accurately so that we can consistently pay ourselves a salary. Paying us was always last after the expenses. Working with Abby helped me realize that paying myself first was key.

“In addition, the other challenge was not making enough money. Through her guidance and encouragement, we realized we had to change our pricing. We were worried that this would cause us to loose customers and sales go down. The opposite happened! Sales are
up and in turn our owner's pay and profit are up.”

Laura Lunardi - Fuquay Transportation

“Matterhorn business development is so much more than the name on the sign. Greg Winteregg and his team develop business "people" to do better in business! I hired Matterhorn Business Development only 4 months ago and my business has skyrocketed. At the time Covid 19 was new and things were even more unsure. Business had halted and I was stuck.

“Needless to say it has all been during the Covid 19 Pandemic. Matterhorn continues to guide me up and forward as well as making me accountable for my actions for things that are most important. The best coaches and mentors are brave enough to be honest enough to make a difference and Greg Winteregg with Matterhorn Business Development is the very best! “

Robert Paolini - Realtor and Author #1 Best Seller on Amazon "Good T.A.L.K Great Sales" 

"Abby and Greg helped me get a $10k course launch off the ground. 

"They are not only business savvy but they also have their hearts in the right place.
It was a joy working with Matterhorn!"

Dorian Iten - Artist & Creator of

Profit First, Stress Last.

Your life before....

  • Stressed and overwhelmed
  • Don’t know where your money is going or where to reinvest.
  • Finances are confusing and you wish someone else could do it for you.
  • Don't know where to take your business or how to get some wins.
  • Wondering what happened to the freedom you were chasing in the beginning.

Where you could be...

  • Stress-free and you actually enjoy working on your business.
  • Financial certainty in your business and personal finances.
  • A profitable business PAYING YOU profit on TOP of your salary.
  • You know exactly where your business is going and have a clear plan to get there.
  • You can easily see what IS and IS NOT working, plus how to fix it.
  • Experienced business owners and mentors to pull ideas from and a private community created to help you.

Customize Your Way Out


Who it's for: Owners looking to implement on their own, with community support.



  • Monthly Access
  • Self-study modules
  • Templates and actionable how-to's
  • New training released each month
  • Community of like minded business owners
  • The Matterhorn team in the comments - daily access


Access to Group Coaching call recordings


30 minute 1-on-1 strategy session with our mentors

Start Now

Trail Blazers

Who it's for: Owners looking for extra support, in a group setting.

$897/month for 6 months

$4895 paid in full

  • 6 month program
  • Live group coaching sessions weekly
  • Personal feedback on completed templates and assignments
  • 2 one-on-one calls
  • Self-study modules
  • Templates and actionable assignments
  • New training released each month
  • Community of like minded business owners


  • All past group coaching call recordings
  • private live trainings
  • 1-on-1 Onboarding Call


Additional 1-on-1 strategy call during the program - use any time you want!

Elite Access

Who it's for: Business owners looking for one-on-one, focused support.

Starting at $2497/mo

  • Twice a month 1-on-1 calls with one of our coaches
  • Quarterly Profit First Reviews
  • Email and phone support between scheduled calls
  • Personal Accountability from your coach
  • A completely custom program and approach to your business
  • Access to Trail Blazer group calls
  • Access to Self-study modules
  • Templates and actionable assignments
  • New training released each month
  • Community of like minded business owners


  • Done-for-you Profit First Assessment and P&L analysis

*Due to limited availability, we require all 1-on-1 clients to first book a call so we can make sure this is the right package for you.

Not sure what package is right for you?

Book a call below and we'll answer any questions you have so that you can gain back control of your business NOW.


Stop waiting for your business to support you

You've been waiting for the "right time," but that time is NOW.

Starting now will allow you to:

  • Instantly increase your income. And, yes, we mean INSTANTLY.
  • Start reaching your goals FASTER, with help and direction.
  • Stop the “shiny object syndrome” that business ownership brings and stop being pulled in all directions.

You can wait, do nothing and be in the same place 6 months from now, or you can make a change today.

Take a look around the program

Greg's Legacy

Greg Winteregg was an internationally recognized lecturer, sales-trainer and management consultant. Over a 30 year career he worked with thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners worldwide.
He started in 1982 when he opened a dental practice straight out of school. By 1994 his practice was in the top 4% nationwide and he was only working 22 hours a week. He decided to sell his practice and, instead of retiring early at age 38, he became a partner at a dental practice management firm to help other practice owners achieve the success he had. That firm has since gone from 6 or 7 employees in a 2,000-square foot space to over 70 employees in a 55,000-square foot training facility, with a second location in California.
Greg presented over 2,000 lectures to tens of thousands of professionals in ten countries across three continents, as well as starting Matterhorn Business Development and a non-profit to help private practicing dentists.
Greg’s ultimate purpose in life was to help everyone he could. He started Matterhorn with his son Neil and daughter Abby because he knew his knowledge and experience should help all business owners, not just dentists. Since its conception in 2017 Matterhorn has helped over countless business owners in 40+ industries, in true form to Greg’s purpose.
Although he is no longer with us, Greg made sure that his legacy would live on. He personally trained Matterhorn’s coaches, set up a roadmap to ensure that his vision would never be compromised, and released hundreds of hours of content. Through online courses, his book Fun At Work, and his training, his legacy will continue.
More to the point, YOU WILL get all of his knowledge and ability to succeed.
Greg always said “if you know us, you win,” so join now and get to know us!

Don't just take our word for it

Still wondering if this is a good fit for you?

Book a call below and we'll discuss your specific situation. Whether you join our program or not, we bring value to these calls so that you can walk away with a plan.


How much time do I need to dedicate to this program? I'm already swamped.

Of course you're swamped! Most business owners are! We've found that most owners are swamped with "tasks" keeping them busy, but not tasks that are actually moving the business forward or making it more profitable.

One of the first modules you'll have access to is all about how to better organize your tasks so that you can get more done faster, and delegate easier.

We usually suggest setting aside at least one hour per week on your calendar so that you can have a dedicated time to actually make progress on the program. If you are a Trail Blazer member, there is a weekly call you can choose to join or not join to get your questions answered.

I have a business partner. Do they need to pay a separate fee to sign up?

One business partner is included with your program fee! Just send us an email to with their email and we will make sure they get access.

I hate the numbers part of business. Is Profit First going to take up a lot of time?

We get you! Most business owners didn't go into business to spend their time looking at numbers! But, these numbers are extremely crucial to ensuring you have a profitable business. There will be some work in the beginning to get Profit First up and running in your business, but after that, you will only have to deal with managing your money twice a month!

Will this work for my industry?

The purpose of this program is to help you implement business basics that we've found every business needs, no matter the industry. We've successfully worked with over 40 industries applying these frameworks.

Have any other questions? Send us an email at or text us at 1-833-257-7710!